Monday, March 8, 2021

Womens And Islam


The first person to embrace Islam was a woman; Khadija (ra).

The greatest scholar of Islam was a woman; Aisha (ra).

The person who loved the Prophet (saw) the most was a woman; Fatima (ra).


Despite misconceptions, the status of women in Islam is that of a beloved equal. In the midst of a deep historical context, the Prophet (saw) preached boldly on the importance of women; celebrating their unique contributions to family and society, condemning the ill-treatment of women and campaigning for their rights.

Many of the negative stereotypes around women in Islam arise not from Islamic guidance but from cultural practices, which not only denigrate the rights and experiences of women, but also stand in direct opposition to the teachings of Allah (swt) and His Prophet (saw).

Far from the stereotype of the voiceless and veiled Muslim woman, Shaykh Ibn Baaz argues, “There is no doubt that Islam came to honour to the woman, guard her, protect her from the wolves of mankind, secure her rights and raise her status.”

Islam states clearly about womens and their equal fair rights. Islam is totally against of dowry system. Today dowry system is most important loophole in suppression of womens right and their security.

Islam stands strongly with womens in their equal rights of property of parents. I found that Islamic system provides a way by which pre and post marriage life of a women can be summed up smoothly.

Islamic culture of living provides a safer environment for womens. 

On the Occasion of International Womens Day I would like to wish all the womens of the world , have a prosperous and healthy wealthy long life ahead.

I am appealing to the society for a safer , fair and respectful treatments with womens.

I want to thanks all the womens around my personal life for being so caring and providing me a supportive environment.


  1. You have quoted Shekh ibn baaz do u know him.... that's person was a big headache for Saudi Govt. In 70-90 decades in the matters of gulf war

  2. A lot of work is yet to be done on the progress of women in the Islamic state
    But unfortunately these days from our islamic ruler nothing do it


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